Monday, March 10, 2025

Motivation will get you going, but discipline will keep you growing

Setting goals is great. 

And setting FUN and meaningful goals is even better. 

But what happens AFTER you light that spark of motivation?

Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

“Motivation will get you going, but discipline will keep you growing.”

I believe we’re also hardwired to admire discipline.

Just think of all the inspirational movies that have become classics over the years!

Rocky, The pursuit of happiness, Million dollar baby, The Blind Side, Hidden Figures, and the list goes on and on. 

We love watching people work hard NO MATTER WHAT … and WIN!

Discipline has its own reward beyond helping you meet your goals. 

It helps you step out of your comfort zone to live a “bigger” life.

It helps you develop a sense of pride.

It also brings you a special kind of self-confidence … because you know you can count on yourself when the going gets tough.

The payoffs of this kind of discipline have a ripple effect on your entire life.

Discipline is not always easy … but that’s kind of the point, right?

Ask yourself this question: 

“If you were the star of your own inspirational movie…

What’s one area you would start showing up for yourself, starting today?”

Even just thinking and reflecting on that question can create shifts that change your life. 

You DESERVE to live your best life.