Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lack of sleep Increases Hunger, makes you Crave Sweets & reduces Resting Metabolic Rate.

(Spaeth et al., 2020), (Tajiri et al., 2020), (Spaeth et al., 2015)

Lack of sleep is linked to increased calorie intake and obesity.

Spaeth et al., 2020 – Sleep restriction led to increased daily calorie intake by 527 Calories.

Tajiri et al.,2020 – Sleep restriction increased sweet taste preference & led to consuming more calories.
Note: Sleep Restriction can affect different people differently. Some ate less than usual.

Spaeth et al., 2015 – Sleep restriction decreased morning energy expenditure. Sleep loss may lead to metabolic changes conserving energy.

So how much sleep do we need?
Strength Trainees/Athletes (who train hard) – 9 hours sleep per night.
Sedentary Individuals – 7.5-8 hours per night.

If you wake up feeling refreshed and energised after 7-8 hour sleep, there’s no need to force yourself to sleep longer.

Tajiri E, Yoshimura E, Hatamoto Y, Shiratsuchi H, Tanaka S, Shimoda S. Acute Sleep Curtailment Increases Sweet Taste Preference, Appetite and Food Intake in Healthy Young Adults: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Behav Sci (Basel). 2020 Feb