Monday, February 24, 2025

How technology can help you lose weight & behavior change.(Berry et al., 2021)

Changing eating behavior and increasing physical activity is not easy. What if technology like apps & tracking devices can help?

Berry et al., 2021 a meta-analysis of 12 studies, examined how digitally self-monitoring diet and physical activity influence weight loss and behavior.

Self-monitoring participants achieved higher physical activity and ate 180 Calories less than the no self-monitoring participants, leading to 3kgs additional weight loss. Self-monitoring also helped change eating habits. These effects were more significant when coupled with a personalized program.

A few of my favorite tracking apps & devices:
Bodyweight – Most phones have an inbuilt health app, Excel sheet
Physical Activity/Steps – Any wearable activity tracker, smartwatch
Calories & Macros – Cronometer, My fitness pal, Control My Weight by Calorie King

Take home message:
Track both inputs and outcomes and keep records. You don’t have to track all the time. You can reduce tracking frequency as you get more experienced with tracking. It’s good to track from time to time, even if you are someone who is experienced.