Sunday, February 23, 2025

Does time restricted eating cause muscle loss?

(Chen et al., 2021)

Time-Restricted Eating/Intermittent Fasting has been quite popular over the last few years, often marketed as a superior method for weight loss. Not many studies conducted in this area are Calorie controlled or examined the quality of the weight loss (Fat/Muscle Mass Ratio).

This meta-analysis investigated impact of TRE on weight loss and metabolic health in overweight & obese people.

Meta-analysis of 9 Studies lasted 4 weeks or more. Most studies had participants eating Ad libitum dieting with only difference restricted time window or no time restriction.

TRE resulted in 2.32% more weight loss compared to unrestricted. However, the fat loss in both interventions were similar. TRE resulted in greater LBM loss.

Practical Application
* • We can’t say with 100% certainty TRE cause muscle loss because this study measured LBM loss not Muscle Mass. They are not perfectly corelated.
* • If they actually did lose muscle mass, adequate protein consumption and strength training can reduce muscle loss during dieting.
* • Extra weight loss in TRE could be purely due to less energy intake. When Calories and Protein equate there’s no significant difference in weight loss between TRE & traditional way of eating.

Chen JH, Lu LW, Ge Q, Feng D, Yu J, Liu B, Zhang R, Zhang X, Ouyang C, Chen F. Missing puzzle pieces of time-restricted-eating (TRE) as a long-term weight-loss strategy in overweight and obese people? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2021 Sep