Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Collagen Protein vs Whey Protein:  Which is better?

Several previous studies have shown that Whey Protein is better for muscle growth than lower-quality proteins such as soy and collagen. But the question remains if other proteins have similar effects when protein synthesis stimulating amino acid “leucine” amounts equal in all proteins.

Jacinto et al., 2022 a randomized controlled trial examined the effects of whey protein compared to leucine-matched collagen protein on muscle and strength gains after a 10-week resistance training program.

The whey protein supplement consisted of 35g of whey with 3g of leucine. Collagen supplement also consisted of 35g but only 1g of leucine. 2g additional leucine was added to the collagen supplement to match whey protein.


  • Vastus lateralis muscle increased by 8.4% in the whey group compared to only a 5.6% increase in the collagen group.
  • Biceps brachii increased by 10.1% in the whey group compared to 6.0% in the collagen group.


Whey Protein is better than Collagen Protein for Muscle Growth.


Even though the leucine amount matched in both whey and collagen, the whey protein used in the study contained 13.9 grams of EAAs, compared to only 7.7 grams of EAAs in the collagen. That may have been the reason for better muscle growth in the whey group.


Jacinto JL, Nunes JP, Gorissen SHM, Capel DMG, Bernardes AG, Ribeiro AS, Cyrino ES, Phillips SM, Aguiar AF. Whey Protein Supplementation Is Superior to Leucine-Matched Collagen Peptides to Increase Muscle Thickness During a 10-Week Resistance Training Program in Untrained Young Adults. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2022 May 1;32(3):133-143.