Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Client Case Study

“I haven’t got enough words to thank Gayan, for helping me achieve my goal. I’ve been training for about 3.5 to 4 years and didn’t get proper results at all, but after I had a chat with Gayan and started his program I got to know how to balance Nutrition and also how a proper training program works. Gayan guides you on how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time even without using any supplements (protein powders etc), what he says is a proper diet and training is enough and that’s absolutely correct. I was 68kg when I started the program and now I’m 62kg. I do regret that I couldn’t follow the program 100% but I did my best. Could have actually gained better results if I followed 100%. But I’m happy for what I am today, FEELING GOOD AND ALSO LOOKING GOOD. Thanks to Gayan.”

Kanishka Wijekoon

Name: Kanishka Wijekoon
Age: 25
Starting Weight: 66kgs
Height: 180cm
Pre exisiting injuries: Lower Back
Goal: Lose Fat & Build Muscles
Time Commitment: 16 Weeks 

Week 1-4 

Training Program – 5,10,20 Method
This is an advanced Triset method where you perform three exercises in a raw for the same muscle group in three different rep ranges
A1: Incline Leg Press – 5 Reps, Tempo 3010, Rest 60-90 Seconds
A2: FFE Split Squat – 10 Reps, Tempo 3010, Rest 90-120 Seconds
A3: Sissy Squats – 20 Reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 150-180 Seconds

Week 1 – Minor Deficit 
Week 2 – Minor Deficit
Week 3 – Moderate Deficit
Week 4 – Refeed at Maintenance

Week 5-8

Training Program – 10,8,6,15 Method
This is an old school body building program invented by the Legend Vince Gironda
Ex; If your BB Bench Press 6RM is is 100kgs
Set 1 – 10 Reps (@50% of 6 RM); 50kgs x 10
Set 2 – 8 Reps (@75% of 6 RM); 75kgs x 8
Set 3 – 6 Reps (@100% of 6 RM; Bring this set to Failure); 100kgs x 6
Set 4 – 15 Reps (@35% of 6 RM); 35kgs x 15

Week 5 – Small Surplus
Week 6 – Minor Deficit
Week 7 – Minor Deficit
Week 8 – Moderate Deficit

Week 9-12 – Post Exhaustion Method 

A1: Standing Ez Bar Reverse Curls – 6-8 Reps, Tempo 4010, Rest 15-30 Seconds
A2: DB Bilateral Spider Curls – 15-18 Reps, Tempo 3010, Rest 120-180 Seconds

Week 9 – 4 days Aggressive Deficit + 3 day high carb Refeed
Week 10 – 6 days Moderate Deficit + 1 day Refeed at maintenance
Week 11 – 6 days Moderate Deficit + 1 day Refeed at maintenance
Week 12 – 6 days Aggressive Deficit + 1 day Refeed with 300Cal Surplus

Week 12-16

Training Program – High Frequency + Daily Undulating Periodisation. I like to use Daily Undulating Periodisation as we get close to a competition or a photoshoot. I find DUP is great for fatigue management, reduce/prevent muscle loss and maintain strength during hard dieting phases. 
Day1; 4-6 Reps 
Day2; 10-12 Reps 
Day3; 18-20 Reps 

Week 13 – Carb Cycling; Day 1 – Maintenance, Day 2 -20% deficit, Day 3 – 30% deficit), Repeat
Week 14 – Carb Cycling; Day 1 – 200Cal Surplus, Day 2 -20% deficit, Day 3 – 40% deficit), Repeat
Week 15 – Carb Cycling; Day 1 – 400Cal Surplus, Day 2 – 30% deficit, Day 3 – 50% deficit), Repeat

Daily undulating periodisation and carb cycling go well together. Difficulty of the training sessions were programmed according the calorie and carb intake around the workouts.

Week 16 – Peaking & Carb Loading

I use few different cab loading protocols depending on the situation, what kind of look we are trying to create and what worked best in the past for that trainee (It’s important you take notes and keep record on how they look with refeeds)

Photo shoot was booked for Thursday this week. I used Rapid back-load peaking protocol for Kanishka
Monday – Low Carb (70g)
Tuesday – Low Carb (50g)
Wednesday – Carb Up (650g)

Water & Sodium kept at same level through out the course with a slight increase in both water and sodium on Wednesday during carb up time