Sunday, March 9, 2025

A diet that includes Coffee, Blueberries, Nuts, Cocoa & Green Tea may reduce age related Cognitive Decline.

(Rajaram et., al 2019)

Coffee: Up to 2 cups of coffee daily reduced the risk of cognitive impairment

Blueberries: 150g blueberries per day for 90 days led to better memory assessments. You can also use the supplement version to the same effect if blueberry isn’t accessible; 500 – 1,000 mg of blueberry anthocyanins, once a day

Nuts: Elderly & Middle-aged people who ate nuts more than 5 times per week had better cognitive markers

Cocoa: Short-term trials showed improvements. Long term trials had mixed results

Green Tea – Up to 500ml a day protected cognitive function

Fruit Juices – Citrus fruit juices, pomegranate juice, grape juice & cherry juice improved memory & cognitive function

Note: Lifestyle factors such as adequate sleep, rest and physical activity play a huge role in fighting against age related cognitive decline (ARCD)

Reference: Sujatha Rajaram, Julie Jones, Grace J Lee, Plant-Based Dietary Patterns, Plant Foods, and Age-Related Cognitive Decline, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 10, Issue Supplement_4, November 2019, Pages S422–S436